Normativa y Tecnologías de Plantas

Centrales Ciclo Combinado

ASME PTC-46 Overall Plant Performance.

ASME PTC-4.4 Gas Turbine Heat Recovery Steam Generators.

ASME PTC-6 Steam Turbines in Combined Cycles.

Centrales Termoeléctricas Convencionales

ASME PTC-6 Steam Turbines.

ASME PTC 4 Fired Steam Generators.

ASME PTC 4.1 Steam Generating Units.

ASME PTC-46 Overall Plant Performance.

Centrales Turbogas

ASME PTC-22 Gas Turbines.

Centrales Combustión Interna

ASME PTC-17 Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines.

Centrales Hidroeléctricas

IEC-60041 Field Acceptance Tests to Determine the Hydraulic Performance of Hydraulic Turbines, Storage Pumps and Pumps-Turbines IEC-60193 Hydraulic Turbines, Storage Pumps and Pump-Turbines- Model Acceptance Tests.

Centrales Geotermoeléctricas

ASME PTC-17 Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines.